
More milk, better fertility.

Calfat pack 2020 product detail

Calfat is a rumen-protected fat supplement which increases energy supply in diets without increasing the acid load in the rumen and risk of acidosiss, unlike starchy sources of energy such as cereals.

Calfat is an ideal supplement to increase energy supply in early lactation diets of cows and sheep and is well-proven to improve cow fertility.

Features and Benefits

  • Increases milk yield – average 5.1 lbs/day
  • Improves egg quality and conception rates
  • Increases progesterone (the key hormone for pregnancy)
  • High NEL = 2.96 Mcal/lb DM
  • Not fermented in the rumen – energy without risk of acidosis
  • Suitable energy source for all ruminant species
  • Proven for over 30 years

Feed Rates

  • Lactating cows 400-800 g/head/day
  • Dry cows 125 g/head/day
  • Beef cattle 150-500 g/head/day
  • Sheep & Goats 50-100 g/head/day

Calfat should be mixed with other ingredients in the diet and can be included as part of a total mixed ration, blend or compound pellet.

Calfat Pile


Available in 25kg bags and 650kg mini-bulk bags.

More milk

The average increase in milk yield, recorded across 18 research studies, is 5.1 lbs/cow/day from a standard supplement of approximately 500g of Calfat.

Penn State University, USA

What the expert says

D Palmquist

Research has shown that Calfat increases milk yield more consistently than other fat supplements and contributes to improved fertility.

Prof Don Palmquist